
The Eight Thoughts of a Great Person

[Pali]                     mahā-purisa-vitakkā  [Sanskrit]           mahā-puruṣa-vitarkāḥ [Chinese]               八大人覚   Eight Thoughts of a Great Person appiccha alpecchu 少欲 wanting little santuṭṭha saṁtuṣṭi 知足 practising contentment pavivitta praviveka 樂寂靜 enjoying seclusion viriya vīrya 勤精進 persevering sati smṛti 不忘念 thinking [in activity] remembering samādhi samādhi 修禪定 putting together balancing composure stillness pañña prajñā 修智慧 wisdom understanding nippapañca niṣprapañca 不戲論 not spinning anything into self-existence not othering not objectifying anything that's happening Here is a creative rendering of the eight, based on the metaphors the Buddha is recorded as having used to illustrate the meaning. The Buddha's metaphors are highlighted in bold font . And indirect references to the four spiritual recreation grounds (mettam, karunam, muditam, uppekham) are indicated in blue . alpecchu- saṁtuṣṭi On a  path  to know  relenting   fire Every step is small desire. Wanting